The full version of `boy in the Bunker' - Faked Photo or real?

by Gamvaesiya, Canada

[A short version appeared in the Lankaweb and the Sri Lanka Guardian, 21-3-2013 ]

On Sunday, 11 March 2012, Callum Macrae wrote that "new footage" from the final days of the war in Sri Lanka shows that a child, Prabhakaran's son, had been summarily executed by the armed forces. This was featured in the 2012 Channel-4 TV allegations of war crimes by the Lankan armed forces. (Many such pictures have been assembled by Tamil activist organizations at The picture published one year ago (reproduced in Fig. 1), and the report may be seen in

Boy-Indepedent-2012← Balachandran    Nadesan → Nadesan"

Fig.1 shows Prabhakaran's son, laid on the ground and said to be killed by bullets. We show in parallel the dead body of Nadesan (Prabhakaran's Police chief and later replacement for TamilChelvam, see Pic. The yellow circled area shows how a shot brings out swelling, blueness and blood. This is NOT seen on the `corpse' of the boy. Given that the maximum heart pressure is proportional to 220-(age), such swelling should occur much faster (almost immediately) on a young boy. We return to a discussion of the boy's body later.

Almost one year later, in the run-up to the new Geneva meeting (2013) of the UN Human-Rights Council, The Independent has once again resurfaced the same story as if it were a new now allegation, but now supported by two new pictures. The new story, written by Andrew Bunscombe and published on Saturday 16th February 2013 does not mention the previous articles, but claims that

"A series of photographs taken a few hours apart and on the same camera, show Balachandran Prabhakaran, son of Villupillai Prabhakaran, head of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). One of them shows the boy sitting in a bunker, alive and unharmed, apparently in the custody of Sri Lankan troops. Another, a few hours later, shows the boy’s body lying on the ground, his chest pierced by bullets" ( The new picture is shown below, as Fig. 2 where we have numbered certain locations for the purpose of discussion.